Discussion 5

Cynthia Sam
1 min readMay 1, 2021

Why do you think Kawashima insists on focusing on the suppression of Korean workers in Japan by the Soaikai, a Korean welfare organization in his piece? What questions does his analysis raise about the way we might think about both the Taki Seihi strike and the love story between Mr. Kim and Matsuo Shina discussed in the lecture? What are ways that you might think about their relationship beyond its representation as an inter-racial love story as stated in the newspaper account?

The suppression of Korean workers in Japan by the Soaikai is a significant focus since it constitutes a common theme within political history involving the subjection of certain ethnic groups to unfair circumstances and labor. In this case, Koreans were discriminated against and controlled in welfare. Division through selective weening of what is considered “the ideal Korean” pits Koreans amongst each other resulting in potential violence. The love story between Mr. Kim and Matsuo Shina raises questions about what is good and evil when the Japanese perception of good is on the “Korean figure”, yet seeing this interracial relationship would shift that perception.

